Most Common Complaints About Smart Home Devices (2025 Survey)

Published on November 9, 2024

by Brenda Stolyar

Smart home devices have become increasingly popular in recent years, offering convenience, efficiency, and connectivity to our daily lives. These devices have evolved from simple voice assistants to controlling various aspects of our homes, such as lighting, thermostats, security systems, and more. However, with this rise in popularity, there has also been a rise in complaints about these smart home devices. In a recent 2025 survey, we asked users about their most common complaints, and the results may surprise you.Most Common Complaints About Smart Home Devices (2025 Survey)

The Rise of Smart Home Devices

Before we dive into the most common complaints, it’s essential to understand the significant growth of the smart home market. In 2020, the global smart home devices market was valued at $61.8 billion, and it’s estimated to reach $141.1 billion by 2026, according to MarketWatch. With this rapid expansion, it’s no surprise that more and more people are integrating smart devices into their homes.

Smart home devices are designed to make our lives more manageable by automating processes and providing us with control over our homes with a simple voice command or a tap on our phone. However, as with any new technology, there are bound to be issues and complaints that arise.

The Most Common Complaints

Connectivity Issues

One of the most common complaints about smart home devices is connectivity issues. These devices rely on a stable internet connection to function correctly, but if there are any network outages or Wi-Fi interruptions, the devices may stop working altogether. This can leave users frustrated and feeling like they wasted their money on a device that doesn’t work consistently.

Furthermore, some smart home devices may struggle to connect with other devices or platforms, making it challenging to create an interconnected and automated system. This lack of compatibility can lead to confusion and defeat the purpose of having a smart home system in the first place.

Privacy and Security Concerns

Another significant concern among consumers is the issue of privacy and security. With smart home devices constantly listening and gathering data, many users fear that their sensitive information is being collected and shared without their consent.

Additionally, smart home devices are still susceptible to hackers, leaving users vulnerable to potential cyber attacks. This can range from accessing sensitive information to controlling the devices themselves. With more devices connected to the internet, the risk of security breaches increases, making privacy and security a top concern for many users.


While smart home devices may offer convenience and efficiency, they also come at a cost. The price of these devices can quickly add up, especially if you want to incorporate multiple devices into your home. In addition to the initial cost of purchasing the devices, many of them require subscription fees for full functionality or additional features, making them an ongoing expense.

Furthermore, if a device requires frequent updates or replacements, it can become even more costly over time. This can be a significant deterrent for those considering investing in smart home technology.

Reliability and Functionality

Despite the promising features and benefits of smart home devices, many users have experienced reliability and functionality issues. Some devices may not work as expected, leading to frustration and disappointment. For example, if a device is supposed to turn on or off at a specific time, but fails to do so, it defeats the purpose of automation and can cause inconvenience for the user.

In addition, some smart home devices may have limited functionality or not work well with specific household setups. This can make it difficult for users to fully utilize their devices and may hinder their overall experience.

The Future of Smart Home Devices

It’s essential to note that while there are complaints and concerns with smart home devices, these issues will likely be addressed and resolved in the future. As technology advances, we can expect to see improvements in functionality, security, and compatibility.

Furthermore, with more companies entering the smart home market, there will be increased competition, which can result in more affordable pricing and advanced features to meet consumer demands.

In Conclusion

Despite the rise in complaints about smart home devices, their popularity continues to grow, indicating that users see the potential and benefits of these devices. While there are issues and concerns to be addressed, it’s essential to remember that these devices are still relatively new, and improvements will be made over time. With the potential to make our lives more convenient and efficient, the future looks bright for smart home technology.